2024 Domestic Calendar Revealed

Hockey New Zealand is pleased to reveal the domestic calendar for the 2024 national tournaments.

The year begins with the Vantage National Masters tournament being played in Wellington. This year’s tournament in Tauranga saw huge participation and a large number of teams, and we are looking forward to a great celebration of hockey at the National Hockey Stadium.

Hawke’s Bay and Christchurch will play host to the Vantage National U18 Men’s and Women’s tournaments respectively, while the Federation and Rankin Cups will be competed for in Hamilton and Tauranga.

The Ford National Hockey Championship then returns to Palmerston North for the first time since 1997. 2024 will also mark the 100th year of the K Cup being competed for.

General Manager Hockey Network Ken Maplesden is excited for the year ahead and said, “We had a successful year of tournaments this year, delivering a full calendar for the first time since 2019.

“We’re looking forward to another year of fantastic tournaments and events, including our youth regional festivals, Heritage Hockey, National Indians, and National Maori Tournaments, all of which give more people the opportunity to see, experience, and love hockey.”


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