NZ officials appointed to Hockey World Cups

NZ officials continue to feature prominantly at the highest level on the world stage with a total of 7 officials recently appointed to both the Mens and Womens World Cups.

Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to umpires Amber Church and Kelly Hudson, who along with Sarah Garnett (Umpires Manager) and Jackie Tomlinson (Technical Official) have been appointed to the 2022 FIH Women’s World Cup being held in Spain and the Netherlands from 1- 17 July . Dr John Gemming will also be attending as the Medical Officer.  For the men’s World Cup, which is being held 13-19 January 2023 in India, we also congratulate umpires David Tomlinson and Gareth Greenfield, and Umpire Manager Colin French on their appointments as well.

Dave Potter speaking on behalf of the Hockey NZ Officials Advisory Group noted “ The last 18 months has been a very difficult period both Internationally and domestically, with cancelled events and a challenging landscape due to the Covid 19 pandemic. These World Cup appointments reflect not only the strong capability of each individual, but also their dedication and commitment to maintaining high fitness standards together with the on-going development of their skill-sets despite limited matches and tournament opportunities.  I know that our wider hockey officials family will join me in celebrating their World Cup appointments, where they will represent us with a high level of professionalism and pride”.

Gareth Greenfield who will attend his very first Men’s World Cup also commented “It is an honour to be appointed to the WC. Over the years there have been difficulties and setbacks but reaching goals you set such as this make it all worth the effort. With the support of the Hockey NZ Officials family and others overseas I have been able to stay positive and overcome these.

“I also should not forget to mention Nic and also my employer (Just Hockey/Cricket Express), Without their support getting to this point would not be possible. Opportunities in NZ & Oceania at times aren’t as great as those in other parts of the world but the close-knit community, allows us to be ready for the next step. We should be proud of what we are achieving here in little old NZ.”


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