Dr Tony Edwards - A lifelong dedication

It is with great pride that we acknowledge the exceptional contributions of Dr. Tony Edwards, who has recently been conferred with the life membership of Hockey New Zealand. Throughout his career, Dr. Edwards has been a tireless advocate for the sport, making significant advancements in hockey administration, player management, and sports medicine.

Dr. Edwards has made substantial contributions to Hockey New Zealand on numerous fronts. As the Medical Director for our National teams for over two decades, he has provided unwavering medical support to the players, whether they were competing internationally or training at home. His dedication was instrumental in the success of our teams at prestigious events, including several Olympic Games and World Cup tournaments.

In addition, Dr. Edwards played a pivotal role in establishing High Performance Sport New Zealand. His vision to support elite athletes in the country has significantly bolstered the development of high-performance hockey programs, enhancing the competitiveness of our national teams.

A highly respected figure in sports medicine, Dr. Edwards has been instrumental in nurturing expertise in this critical field within New Zealand. His efforts have led to the training of countless medical professionals, who have subsequently contributed to various sports organizations in the country, including hockey teams. This has resulted in improved quality of care for our athletes, setting a new standard in sports medicine.

Dr. Edwards has also been an avid researcher, focusing on sports injuries and specifically in the areas of prevention and rehabilitation. His research has contributed to the formulation of best practices in these areas, thereby ensuring that our athletes remain healthy and ready to give their best on the field.

Not one to limit his contributions to the national level, Dr. Edwards has been a long-standing board member and life member of the Howick Pakuranga Hockey Club (HPHC). He has been instrumental in fundraising initiatives, junior development programs, and promoting the sport within the local community.

In addition to his contributions to Hockey New Zealand, Dr. Edwards has a host of other remarkable achievements. His dedication to sports extends over three decades, at local, regional, and national levels. He has been an integral part of HPHC for over 20 years, currently serving as its Vice President and has been a Board member since 2010.

As the founder of Axis Sports Medicine Specialists, the largest sports medicine practice in New Zealand, and the inaugural member of the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Medicine (ACSEP) in New Zealand, Dr. Edwards has left an indelible mark on the field of sports medicine. He was rightly recognized for his contributions when he was bestowed with the ACSEP’s highest honor, the Ken Crichton Citation for Distinguished Service to the Medical College.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Edwards is a passionate grassroots supporter, deeply committed to hockey and sports medicine. Known for his availability, he often takes calls from players at all hours of the day and night, going out of his way to ensure their swift return to the field. His generosity in supporting players through their injury and rehabilitation processes is well known and deeply appreciated. His dedication is not only admired by his peers but also beloved by the players he serves.

Dr. Tony Edwards’ lifetime dedication to the sport of hockey, both in New Zealand and beyond, is truly remarkable. His tireless efforts have improved the competitiveness of our national teams, advanced sports medicine, and fortified grassroots hockey development. We are immensely proud to count him as a life member of Hockey New Zealand, and we look forward to his continued contributions to the sport.


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