HNZ Officials Accreditation & Grading - Umpires

The Hockey NZ Officials Advisory Group (HNZOAG) provides a national framework and pathway to allow umpires to achieve gradings. Combinations of theory and practical assessments are required at various stages to progress through the assessment system.

The assessment pathway allows for five separate gradings: HNZ Junior Badge, HNZ Community Badge, HNZ Level 1, HNZ Level 2, and HNZ Level 3.


  • A Level 3 practical grading will only be awarded to umpires who are selected for NHC semifinals and finals (tiers 1&2) and receive a satisfactory report.

  • A Level 2 practical grading may be awarded on a club game.  However, both the examiner and the game will need to be approved by the HNZOAG.  Level 2 practical gradings will not be issued at U18 tournaments or below.

  • Level 1 practical gradings will not be issued at U15 regional tournaments or below.

  • In the case of the Community or Junior grading, it is expected that a local theory course has been undertaken.

  • In the case of Level 2 and Level 3 practical assessments, these should be gender specific.

  • In the case of Community and Junior gradings, local Associations and regions are encouraged to run courses and conduct practical examinations under the guidance of the umpire and Officials advisory group.

HNZ Officials Accreditation & Grading - Technical Officials and Umpire Managers

The Hockey NZ Officials Advisory Group provides a national framework and pathway to allow technical officials to achieve gradings. Combinations of theory and practical assessments are required  at various stages to progress through the assessment system.

The assessment pathway allows for three separate gradings: HNZ Level 1, HNZ Level 2 and HNZ Level 3 and apply to both technical officiating and umpire manager roles.

Technical Officials

Technical officials fall into three major categories: Tournament Director (TD), Technical Officer (TO) and judge.  Although there is a separate job description for each, there is considerable overlap between the three roles.  In some cases the term ‘Match Director’ (MD) may be used.  This term is normally used in the case of one-off test matches, or in the case of the NHC, it is equivalent of a TO appointment.

Umpire Coaches

Umpire Coaches and Assistant Umpire Coaches are appointed to tournaments to coach and manage the umpiring team.  Their pathway follows the same pathway as technical officials.  Typically, their performance as an assistant will be assessed, and recommendations for promotion will be considered by the Hockey NZ Officials Advisory Group.